Consumer Exploration
Everything from basic qualitative or quantitative research, through market segmentation and more complex analysis like Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) projects. Understanding culture change from the mainstream to the fringes of society. Digging into specific purchase behaviour or brand perceptions. Fast turnaround sprints and dipsticks to long term tracking. Bringing people to life in a way that inspires and creates action.
It’s all Consumer Exploration. It’s why we get out of the bed in the morning.

At A Glance
- Future Foresight
- Trends Forecasting
- Generational Research
- Semiotics
- Segmentation & Illumination
- Jobs To Be Done / Motivation Mapping
- Cultural Insights

Types of Questions We Answer
- How can we illuminate people’s needs and tensions to spot opportunities for our brand to connect better?
- What are the pain points in people’s lives that our brand can solve for?
- How can we understand the cues, codes, and signals that inform and inspire how people interact with our category?
- How can we understand how belief systems and behavioral routines are formed to help our brand resonate and play a meaningful role?