Blog - The Sound, Brand Marketing Agency
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May 29, 2024

The Key Questions Driving B2B Market Research

We like to divide the landscape of companies relevant to B2B research into four different categories: producers of materials; producers of critical components and parts; producers of capital equipment and mechanical coordination devices; and, finally, producers of human coordination tools.

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Industry Smarts

May 2, 2024

Understanding Quantitative Research Approaches

Quantitative research is the aggregation of voices distilled to numbers that uncover trends, illuminate relationships, and correlations that inform decision-making with solid evidence and clarity. The wonder of quantitative research is that each data point, or row in a spreadsheet, is a person and has a human story to tell.

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Cultural Insights

April 15, 2024

How Alcohol Brands Can Stay Relevant

For alcohol brands, building cultural relevance starts with cultural understanding. Brands need to recognize that popularity and trends are byproducts of culture, and focus on identifying the communities and sub-cultures that matter to their target customers, recruiting differently, and building with the people who matter to their brands, instead of for them.

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