Blog - The Sound, Brand Marketing Agency
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Cultural Insights

March 7, 2023

Change the System Not the Woman: IWD

To recognize International Women's Day... The Sound sat down with Geraldine Gallacher, CEO of the Executive Coaching Consultancy, to discuss gender, female leadership styles, the Double Bind Dilemma, and why young women early in their careers need to be building strong female support networks.

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Cultural Insights

February 24, 2023

Black History Month: Pass the Mic

Post-summer of 2020, there were many calls to get ‘The Right People in the Room’. While that was a good start, the push needs to be about giving Black people the space and support to have their voices heard and shared… because what does it matter if you’re in the room, if no one passes you the mic.

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Industry Smarts

January 3, 2023

Driving growth – Jan 2023

We do some of the most interesting market research work for some of the most challenging clients you could ever wish for. We do lots of digging into what is really happening with real people. Take a look at some of our recent projects.

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Industry Smarts

December 16, 2022

Insight Seekers: A Love Letter

Insight seekers, if a consumer insight is shared with a client and it doesn't have an impact, is it truly an insight? We'd say no. As insights professionals, we can say the most beautiful, articulate, clever, and crafty things in a debrief. But if what we produce doesn’t impact our client... then what’s the point?

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Industry Smarts

December 15, 2022

Year End Market Research – Dec 2022

The end of the year is crazy. Market research projects need finishing, workshops need to get squeezed in. Innovation sprints and brand plans need wrapping up. Consumer experience re-works and re-thinks. All the things. Before people disappear into holiday craziness. Us, our brand and advertising agency clients. All the people out there we want to understand and serve better.

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Industry Smarts

November 28, 2022

What do you do? – Sept 2022

‘So what do you do?’. The question we all get asked and probably usually answer by describing what we don’t do… Like ‘no, not advertising’. We do market research. Both qualitative research (including focus groups and 1-2-1 interviews), and quantitative research. We work online and in person. And we work to understand people, segments, and culture and bring them to life for our clients in way that is memorable and impactful.

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